Best Home Practices for Controlling Pests

by Denise Mason 08/04/2021

Photo by Andrey_Popov via Shutterstock

Getting rid of a pest infestation in the home can be an expensive and stressful endeavor. Enjoy a comfortable, pest-free home with a few best practices.

Preventative Control

Every homeowner should invest in preventative pest control. Either hire a company to come and treat the inside and outside of your house on a monthly or quarterly basis or commit to treating the home yourself. You can find pest control solutions at your local hardware store. Do yourself a favor and pre-treat your home to gain an edge on those pesky little creatures.

Home Maintenance

Maintaining a few key areas of your home can lend a great hand in keeping out pests. It is important to check all the weather-stripping on your exterior doors. Some bugs can squeeze under the door even if you have pristine weather-stripping, so if yours is worn-down or flimsy bugs can easily gain access and take up residence. Screens are another home feature you need to keep in good shape. Even if an insect can squeeze into the flattest of areas, most that cause severe issues won’t be able to get through the grid.

Clean Living

It seems obvious to point out that simply being clean can help keep pests out of the home, but it’s true! It’s important to stay on top of daily home care, but there are also a few key areas to pay special attention to. In your kitchen, you want to maintain general cleanliness. You also want to make sure you don’t neglect your bottom cabinets, counter-top appliances and the space below and behind large appliances. It’s easy to miss a spill that goes underneath your refrigerator or stove, and that small spill can attract ants, roaches and more to your kitchen.
Bottom cabinets have a tendency to have cracks or gaps in the back that are an invitation for pests to make a home underneath. Of course, you want to seal up any gaps as well as you can, but you’ll also want to make sure things stay clean in those cabinets and check them periodically for evidence. Another pesky area where pests like to live is in the bottom of counter-top appliances. Make sure you clean underneath these every time you wipe down your counters and do the dishes.

Early Detection

You can take all the precautions, but everyone’s home is still vulnerable to pests. They’re oddly smart, small and persistent. So, on top of everything, you want to ensure you know how to check for pests so you can detect them early and start treatments immediately upon detection. Check your cabinets, behind appliances, bathroom corners and underneath furniture regularly.
About the Author

Denise Mason

Hi! I'm Denise Mason. WELCOME to my Website! Being a full-time REALTOR® gives me the opportunity to assist in achieving your wants, desires, needs, and priorities in selling or finding a home. My goal is to take care of my real estate clients by providing an exceptional, no drama experience that you not only deserve but should demand in the hectic and competitive marketplace of today. I work closely with you throughout your entire real estate transaction. I work to be your family REALTOR® for life. Success begins and ends with good communication. I love what I do and do what I love! I am positive, enthusiastic and truly enjoy people and the real estate business. My commitment to you, my client extends far beyond a single transaction. My goal is to communicate, educate and exceed expectations! As the daughter, wife, and mother of active duty and retired service members, I've had numerous relocation experiences; renting, buying and selling a home. I grew up in Arlington County, VA and lived there for more than 20 years. Upon my husband's retirement from the Army we could think of no better place to call home than Virginia, the place of our childhood. I have been a Prince William County resident since 1997. We have raised and educated three children in the Prince William County School system. My family is my pride and priority which makes me no different than you or any other individual who wants a safe and comfortable environment for yourself, family and friends. I look forward to helping you achieve your real estate goals. Call me at 703-283-0969 or email me so we can meet over tea or coffee & I can get to work for you!